What is cord-cutting, and why is it useful?
Energetic cords, often referred to as etheric cords, can become connected to us through our interactions with others, life experiences, and relationships. These cords tap into our energy, bringing thoughts, emotions, feelings, and energy that may not be entirely our own. They can be draining, and we can become weighed down and troubled over time.
During a cord-cutting session, I guide the process of releasing these energetic and emotional cords that no longer serve your highest well-being, liberating you from these energetic ties. In doing so, we may uncover where these cords were located, their appearance, and the reasons behind their creation and discuss how to prevent them from reattaching. We conclude the session by enveloping your energy in protective, healing light. All of this is facilitated via a soothing guided meditation.

When should we cut cords?
Cord cutting is best used as the final act of separation. By this, I mean it is a process that should be undertaken once all the practical actions of detaching have been completed. Here are a couple of examples:
I would like to cut cords related to my childhood home. I have such fond memories, but sometimes, I feel like I am being held back in a space where I no longer belong. My parents are no longer living there; we have emptied the property, and it has now been sold to new owners who have moved in and have lived there for a few months.
Now would be a good time to cut cords.
I am unhappy in my relationship. I haven’t talked with them about it because it feels too confrontational; I will cut cords with them and see if this helps me find the strength to raise the issues with them.
This is not the optimum way of going about it. You can use cord cutting to assist you in distancing yourself energetically when physically distancing yourself is impossible; however, it would be more beneficial to have the conversation disentangle the ‘everyday cords’ that bind you with this person (i.e. living arrangements, bank accounts, divorce, pets etc.) and then using a cord cutting ritual to give you that final release.
Understanding that a cord-cutting ritual is not a fix-all, instant solution is also essential. We each send out energetic cords to people, experiences and places. When we undertake cord cutting, we are calling back these cords. We can certainly ask for the cords fused to us from other people, experiences and places to disconnect from our energy - but we don’t have complete control over this. Any relationship we have formed is a shared connection. If the other entity is unwilling or able to release us from that, we must find different ways to protect ourselves. I can help you with this during our consultation and going forward.
How should I prepare for a cord-cutting ritual?
Before you attend, set aside some time to contemplate what you would like to find release from. If it is your first session, you may focus on cutting cords related to less intense or emotional aspects of your life. Once you understand the concept, you can move towards more challenging relationships in later sessions or at home.
Here are some ideas you may like to consider:
1. Have you ever felt drained or negatively influenced by a relationship or interaction?
2. Reflect on a specific relationship or situation where you suspect energetic cords might be attached. What emotions or thoughts have you felt as a result of this connection?
3. Imagine a life without the influence of these energetic cords. What would it look like?
4. Explore your feelings about the idea of removing energetic cords. What fears or concerns do you have?
5. What would your intentions be if you were to engage in a session to remove energetic cords?
6. Consider the concept of forgiveness in relation to releasing energetic cords. Are there people or situations you must forgive to let go of these connections entirely?
7. Think about any recurring patterns or habits in your life that you suspect might be related to energetic cords. How have they influenced your choices and actions?
8. How can you release or cleanse your energy from unwanted cords? Reflect on self-care practices that can help maintain your energetic well-being.
9. Imagine a future in which you have successfully released and healed from energetic cords. How do you see yourself growing and evolving due to this process?
You can book a cord-cutting session with me here or reach out if you have any questions. I have recently recorded a 35 minute cord-cutting meditation, which is available to own for £10 - contact me for access.