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Week in Review - June 10th


Themes of the week: Yoga for Deep Sleep and Kindle the Imagination

Classes Taught: 6

Due to last week's emergency at home, I have ended up with two themes per week for the foreseeable future! So the two themes for the week were 'Imagination is Kindled' and Yoga for Deep Sleep. I had many reports of well-rested yogis after our sleep sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday!

Glimmers of the week

I discovered Pablo Neruda's poetry and fell in love with several of his poems, including this one.

You Start Dying Slowly

You start dying slowly

if you do not travel,

if you do not read,

If you do not listen to the sounds of life,

If you do not appreciate yourself.

You start dying slowly

When you kill your self-esteem;

When you do not let others help you.

You start dying slowly

If you become a slave of your habits,

Walking everyday on the same paths…

If you do not change your routine,

If you do not wear different colours

Or you do not speak to those you don’t know.

You start dying slowly

If you avoid to feel passion

And their turbulent emotions;

Those which make your eyes glisten

And your heart beat fast.

You start dying slowly

If you do not change your life when you are not satisfied with your job, or with your love,

If you do not risk what is safe for the uncertain,

If you do not go after a dream,

If you do not allow yourself,

At least once in your lifetime,

To run away from sensible advice.

On Thursday, I attended a lovely meeting at Stanwick Lakes, and I will have some exciting news to share soon :)

Looking Ahead

This coming week sees a full schedule and some! Here are the themes for the week:

  1. Yoga for deep sleep

2. Experience the return of memories

3. Find your light

You can book all classes online. At the time of writing, Friday's yoga is fully booked - but it is always worth adding yourself to the waiting list.

Wishing you a wonderful week.


Vicki x

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