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Week in Review - June 24th


Themes of the week: Yoga for deep sleep, 1.12 Consciousness is elevated by Abhyasa & Vairagya, Releasing with the Waning Capricorn Moon

Classes Taught: 6

We continued our philosophy journey through 'The Secret Power of Yoga' by Nischala Joy Devi, delving into Sutra 1.12: "Consciousness is elevated by Abhyasa & Vairagya".

Abhyasa (dedicated practice) & Vairagya (detachment) are two of the most essential aspects of Yoga, like the wings of a bird.

Abhyasa involves steady effort and consistency. It builds strength, focus, and discipline. Vairagya gives us the lightness of wings and non-attachment. We can let go of outcomes and release the burdens and concerns that weigh us down.

Too much Abhyasa will bring rigidity and striving, like a bird frantically flapping its wings and never taking flight. Too much Vairagya will cause listlessness, lack of direction, and lethargy, like a bird with motionless wings grounded to the earth.

Finding lightness and seeing the world from a broader perspective is a delicate balance. Yoga practice can be the wind beneath our wings, propelling us forward. The journey is the destination.

Vairagya is often dumbed down and feared. Non-attachment can feel harsh, and we fear being asked to give up everything we hold dear in our lives. But it's not about giving up everything. Instead, we are asked to look at what specific things we can let go of—things that aren't helping us grow. It is a lifelong process of lightening your load and making space for the new.

The peak pose for this theme was Garudasana (Eagle) - taking flight to Virabhadrasana III (Warrior 3).

The week ended with Yin and Yoga Nidra at The Pod exploring energies of the waning moon in Capricorn.

This is the last monthly yin session I have planned (because we now enjoy a weekly yin class on Tuesdays).


Readings, Resources and Inspiration

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Sri Swami Satchidananda

Applied Polyvagal Theory in Yoga by Dr. Arielle Schwartz

The Secret Power of Yoga by Nischala Joy Devi

The Wild Will Call You Back by Gina M. Puorro, particularly the following poem, which I read in many of this week's classes:

Just for Today

What if just for today, you gave yourself permission to be right where you are?

To be with the pain, the joy, the tenderness, the rage, the ecstasy, the anger, the rawness, the beautiful messiness of it all. Permission to just be.

What if you decided that today, just for today, you are going to love yourself unconditionally? That you are enough. That you are exactly where you need to be. That you are already beautiful, and whole, and strong.

What would that look like? How does it start?

It starts when you make the conscious choice to claim this love and let it wash down over you.

When you forgive yourself for all the ways you have been less than kind to your body, your mind, your spirit, and for taking so long to find your way home to yourself.

When you allow yourself to be with tender and uncomfortable vulnerability.â €

When you show up for and support yourself in the same way you would a lover, a friend, your family.

When you trust the loving voice of your own intuition.

When you reclaim your body as the sacred home to your spirit.

When you align yourself with your heart’s inner compass.

When you take responsibility for your own happiness and wellbeing.

When you stop apologizing for what you want and need.

When you open to the love and wisdom of your ancestors that lies deep in your bones.

When you reclaim sovereignty over your spirituality, your sexuality, the path you walk in this wild journey of life.

When you truly understand that putting yourself first is not selfish.

This love is your birthright. I will keep saying it until you believe me. I will keep saying it until I believe me. You are free to love fiercely and fully with your whole being.

Give yourself permission to feel it all, to be it all, to claim your rightful place in the world. Trust me… the world needs you. It needs you to show up, fully, exactly as you are. Be a sun-catcher, letting your light cast rainbows all over this crazy world and love every bit of yourself for it.

Glimmers of the week

The sunshine! Oh, the sunshine! Summer finally arrived in all its glory, and I spent most of my waking hours in the garden, inhaling the intoxicating fragrance of jasmine and being dazzled by unexpected blooms like this large-flowered evening primrose and copious poppies. All of these are very fleeting but welcome visitors to my garden.

Teaching my monthly yin class has always been a favourite of mine, and it was my last one for the summer, so I enjoyed every moment of it.


Looking Ahead

This coming week has a few changes: There is no evening class on Wednesday (due to a family event) and no yoga at The Pod on Saturday morning. I am covering 2 classes at Dianas, though, which you can book into as a non-member - see my booking page for info.

Looking further ahead, I will be away from Friday, July 5th, returning on Tuesday, July 16th, so catch me while you can!

Wishing you a truly wonderful week.


Vicki x

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