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Week in Review - July 1st


Themes of the week: 1.12 Consciousness is elevated by Abhyasa & Vairagya, 1.13 Effort toward a steady mind is practice, Energising Yoga, Muladhara, Yoga for Runners, Cultivating Joy

Classes Taught: 6

We continued our philosophy journey through 'The Secret Power of Yoga' by Nischala Joy Devi, moving into Sutra 1.13: "Effort toward a steady mind is practice".

Our minds are naturally restless, jumping from one thought to the next. Yoga offers a way to train this monkey mind and achieve focus. By directing our attention to a single point, we quiet the internal chatter and cultivate inner calm.

Those who know the Koshas will recognise that we are working very much with Manomaya Kosha here.

In Thursday's Hatha class at The Breathe In Space, I taught a class around the theme of Muladhara, the root chakra. Exploring signs of balance and imbalance, enjoying grounding poses and a powerful energy visualisation.

As usual I planned the class carefully, photographed it and then left the plan at home! I remembered my singing bowl, my crystals and my oracle cards. I forgot my class plan! Never a bad thing, teaching intuitively - led by my heart and my inner wisdom - is always fun and interesting!

At my morning cover classes on Thursday and Friday we explored the themes Yoga for Runners and Cultivating Joy respectively. I love teaching classes early in the day, it allows for a more energising class. I hope to be introducing another regular morning class to my timetable very soon - watch this space!

No Saturday yoga class this week sadly, due to family commitments. I am now officially 'out of office' until Tuesday 16th July! Family time in Crete beckons, and I am very excited.


Readings, Resources and Inspiration

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Sri Swami Satchidananda

Applied Polyvagal Theory in Yoga by Dr. Arielle Schwartz

The Secret Power of Yoga by Nischala Joy Devi

Yoga Sutra Cards

Glimmer of the week

I always love covering at Dianas in Wellingborough, but when the woman I am covering for attends the class it is extra special! Karen from Tree of Life Yoga Northants giving a demonstrartion here of a stellar Natarajasana, Dancer pose.

Karen is taking some well-deserved time off over the summer, I am covering her Thursday morning class at Dianas and giving refuge to some of her lovely students while she's away. Be sure to check out her website and attend a class with her in September.

New Offerings From Me This Week

I have started introducing some running into my routine to support my cardiovascular

health. With this in mind, I planned a couple of sequences, especially with runners in mind, and recorded a 30-minute 'run alongside me' style meditation. You can listen to it here; as long as you have data on your phone, it can play while you run, giving you encouragement and focus, and infusing running with yoga philosophy:


Looking Ahead

I am now away - returning on Tuesday, July 16th. This is the schedule for when I return, I have already taking quite a few bookings - you can book all classes online.

Wishing you a truly wonderful week, see you when I get back!


Vicki x

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