Theme of the week: No Pain, No Pain
Classes Taught: 8

We continued our journey through 'The Secret Power of Yoga' by Nischala Joy Devi, delving into Sutras 1.5 and 1.6.
I boiled these down into the concept of 'No Pain, No Pain', the antithesis of the Western fitness ethos. We gave ourselves the grace to move towards alignment and reward from a place of compassion and kindness.
Through this lens, Asana practice involves deciding between various options and modifications, tuning into what the body and mind need —not listening to the 'shoulds', not comparing to what we did last time, or what anyone else chooses for their practice. All choices come from a place of ahimsa (non-violence).

Peak poses included Garudasana (Eagle), Virabhadrasana III (Warrior 3), Trikonasana (Triangle) and Parsvottanasana (Pyramid).
In Yin, we explored dragons in their various forms and supported fish poses.
Readings, Resources and Inspiration
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Sri Swami Satchidananda
Applied Polyvagal Theory in Yoga by Dr. Arielle Schwartz
The Secret Power of Yoga by Nischala Joy Devi
Meow Camera :)
Glimmers of the week

Asking for feedback is always challenging; it feels uncomfortable and burdensome to my students. However, with more new students finding me through Google, I want to ensure my presence there reflects my teaching style as much as possible. This lovely testimonial from Harriet put a spring in my step.
As part of my yoga practice, I offer one free monthly workshop, volunteering my time and skills to the community. This was my first session, and I chose a subject that is very close to my heart: Anxiety.
We explored how yoga, breathwork, EFT, and meditation can support the nervous system. You can view the handout here to see what was covered and access other resources, including a free class, if you are new to me.
Next month's offering is a celebration of Yoga and the Summer Solstice; everyone is welcome.
The week concluded with our monthly women's circle, led by the wonderful Anita of Chill & Tonic, a woman of endless talents. In this instance, she led us through a fantastic community journaling exercise, during which we reflected on the past season and set our intentions for the next few months.
I found it so exciting and empowering. My intentions are as follows (this is me trying to be focused and accountable):
Plan and organise a weekend yoga and wellness retreat taking place in 2025.
Plan and organise a collaboration retreat with Anita.
Fill my classes by the end of September (and commit to keeping them small because this is what I most enjoy)
Lessons Learned
When I state at the start of a vinyasa, 'I will talk you through this,' it can confuse students who will assume they are expected just to watch! I need to be clearer!
I can, in fact, get myself into a respectable Crow pose!
In Other News
Elsewhere, the Aurora Borealis was in full splendour. Sadly, we missed this after a long day at Alton Towers with the children, but the photos online were breathtaking.

We also had some sunny days and some rain. The roses began to feel the benefit, while the wisteria came to the end of its bloom.
New Resources This Week
I found the time to record a video to accompany the anxiety workshop. You can see it on my Video Library or directly on YouTube.
Looking Ahead
This coming week sees a full schedule, aside from an enforced rest on Saturday, as my venue is unavailable. We have our monthly Yin and Nidra session at The Pod on Sunday. The theme is 'Finding Beauty In All Things'.
The week after is half term, and I will be away for all of it, so get your yoga while it's hot!
Here is my schedule for this week. You can book all classes online.
Wishing you a truly wonderful week.
Vicki x