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Week in Review - July 22nd


Themes of the week: 1.14 Practice takes time, patience and a positive attitude, Anahata,

1.15 Recognise and diffuse entangling thought patterns.

Classes Taught: 9

We continued our philosophy journey through the Yoga Sutras, moving into Sutra 1.15: "Recognise and diffuse entangling thought patterns.".

“Regret and guilt are just different forms of yearning – the yearning for the past, the yearning for another chance at a decision. Instead, remember yourself, and remember that you followed your own choice." – Nischala Joy Devi, The Secret Power of Yoga

I translated this into feelings of heaviness, akin to carrying a heavy backpack around with you. We enjoyed yoga to relieve the thoracic spine, shoulders and neck.

Glimmers of the Week

On Thursday, I covered a holistic yoga class at Dianas in Wellingborough and was asked to stay on to be a 'model' for the promo of a new class they are offering later this summer.

The class will be led by the lovely Vee, and the style is 'Endurance Yoga'. Although my 'modelling' only provided a glimpse of this class, it was really fun and different from the styles that I teach. It uses weights and resistance bands! If I can, I will definitely attend the session once it has launched.

Our Women's Circle at The Pod was the highlight of my week. Led by Susan Webb, we embraced our creativity. I can't express in words how good it felt to unself-consciously create; I will let the pictures do the talking for me. Our monthly women's circle is welcoming new members; you can book online up until December.


Readings, Resources and Inspiration

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Sri Swami Satchidananda

The Secret Power of Yoga by Nischala Joy Devi

Yoga Sutra Cards


Looking Ahead

This is the schedule for the coming week - you can book all classes online.

I wish you a truly wonderful week; enjoy the lovely weather.


Vicki x

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