Themes of the week: Life is beautiful with memories, Finding balance
Classes Taught: 9

We continued our journey through 'The Secret Power of Yoga' by Nischala Joy Devi, delving into Sutra 1.11:
"Life is beautiful with memories".
As the solstice and full moon approached, we explored finding a balance between the fierce solar and more calming lunar energies.
Peak poses included Garudasana (Eagle), Virabhadrasana III (Warrior 3), Trikonasana (Triangle) and Parsvottanasana (Pyramid). As well as quite a few sun salutations to honour the solstice!
Readings, Resources and Inspiration
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Sri Swami Satchidananda
Applied Polyvagal Theory in Yoga by Dr. Arielle Schwartz
The Secret Power of Yoga by Nischala Joy Devi
Glimmers of the week

We celebrated International Yoga Day with a free session at The Pod! I was so busy enjoying myself that I forgot to take photographs, but it was a gorgeous evening.
I revisited my teenage haunt (and the place where I officially agreed to date my husband in 1996). My daughter was at a party, and I had to collect her straight from yoga. My teenage self would have found this hilarious.
Thanks to my friend Kristy for taking the picture.

The week concluded with our monthly women's circle, where we made flower crowns, had beautiful conversations, and enjoyed a very relaxing meditation led by Sarah.
Lessons Learned
Burnout can get you even if you are busy doing what you love most. Rest is essential. With this in mind, now that I run a weekly yin class, the monthly sessions will take a break - so I have more family time during the summer.
People can be unpredictable, and being asked if clothing was required in class was a first for me!
New Resources This Week
I found the time to record a short meditation for summer solstice. You can check it out on my Video Library or directly on YouTube.
Looking Ahead
This coming week has a full schedule. We have our monthly Yin and Nidra session at The Pod on Sunday. The theme is 'A Waning Capricorn Moon'. Space is filling up fast, so grab yours now if you want to come along.
Here is my schedule for this week. You can book all classes online.
Wishing you a truly wonderful week.
Vicki x